Merchant Fee %

Merchant Fee %

The merchant fee is a percentage of the total payment amount.

Different percentages can be added to the Payment Method in BUZ

Note: At this stage, we can not add a merchant fee if you are connected to MYOB, as they will not accept the percentage markup for Orders that have been Invoiced. We hope to add this functionality soon.


To add a Percentage,

go to Settings Financial Settings Payment Methods


From here, you can modify your current method or add a new payment method.

First, you need to Create an Inventory Item. You do not need to add any price grids to coefficients; this is purely to assist with the calculation.

Adding Inventory Item/s





Once you have added the Inventory item, you can add the Merchant Fee and Inventory Code.



Now, anytime you make a payment, you can see the calculation and percentage increase.



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