BUZ: Let's Get Started
Welcome to BUZ OnDemand Help!
If this is your first time here then take a look around as this is going to be the first place you come for answers to all those tricky questions.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for send an email to support@buzsoftware.com.au and we will hopefully answer it but more importantly we may add it to our documentation so the next person can find the answer here.
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Topics that can be found in BUZ OnDemand Documentation
Getting Started with BUZ OnDemand covers computer requirements, required data for setup and usage concepts.
Working with BUZ is where to look for data entry type questions.
Administering BUZ discusses user security considerations.
Getting Help and Support, this document is just the start of getting help, how to report an issue or ask questions that are not time critical.
Contributing to BUZ Documentation, please help us to make BUZ and it's documentation better.