Can Be Ordered vs Deactivate

Can Be Ordered vs Deactivate

There are times where you may want to keep a group active or completely remove it from the system, below is a quick guide to both of the options.


Can Be Ordered - You can toggled this option in your product group (Inventory Setting).


Can be ordered is designed to keep a Product Group active but you may not want the product to be visible in the Sales list

There is a variety of reasons that a group would not be set to “Can be Ordered” like

  • Setting up a new product and it is not ready to be ordered,

  • Phasing out a product but there are orders in BUZ that still need to be processed,

  • The group is used for Inventory items that are available to other groups.


One thing to remember with unchecking this option is that if there are old quotes in BUZ, these will still be active and able to be processed without any warnings.


Deactivate - As the name suggests, this option deactivates the product group and any associated Inventory items.

This product will not be visible in the sale list and any orders that have not been processed to the production status will not work.

If there is an inventory item in this group that is shared to other groups the inventory item will also not be available to the other products.

For example if you are deactivating a product group, lets call it Sonesse Motors and in this group it contains a particular item - 3.3v Motor which is available to Roller and Roman blinds, if this item is selected in the Roller product there will be an error informing the user that the inventory item is deactivated.

Sales list example

So ensure that if you deactivate a group that all items are either removed from the other products group options or that the component is relocated to another Product group that will remain active.


It’s recommended to use this function if there are no pending orders to be processed.


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