Product Visibility
Not all products are ready to be ordered or are something you want available to all your customers.
Here are the options you have to remove Products from the view of your customers.
Testing a Product
When creating Sales questions (group options) we know that it can be difficult to test as you do not want the Customers and Sales reps ordering the product.
BUZ now allows Admins to remove products from Sales list of the Sales reps and Customer Users (that login to BUZ)
To do this go to the Product Group and tick the “only available to admins” check box
Products for a Customer Group
Not all products are equal
There may be times where you want to restrict access of a product to certain clients, it might be that the questions differ for a retail client vs a commercial client
Or you might have a product that is custom built for a particular client and its not something that you want to offer to other clients, no matter the reason BUZ has a solution.
This test group is not visible to the Retail customer group.
Leads and Customers that are assigned this group will not be able to view the Products in the sales list.
To find the customer groups