Buz to Xero

Connecting to Xero

Settings→ Buz to Xero

Click connect, signed into Xero and select the account

Once connected you will be directed back to BUZ

Click get chart of accounts

If successful you will receive the below message

BUZ to Xero setup

Manually Process Payments, Receipts, Invoices and Credits

Payments that may not have made their way to Xero automatically, can be submitted via this proce

BUZ to Xero information

Currently Xero does not have the ability to allocate money received to multiple invoices so these need to be done manually

BUZ Validation








Characters max 150

Characters Max 20

  • 'Inventory' account in Xero is not mapped to anything in BUZ

  • If an account is deleted in Xero, it isnt necessarily deleted in Buz. A scenario this leads to is if a code is created in Xero "300" and deleteed after importing to Buz. Now 6 months later they try to add another account with same code, Buz will treat it like an update from 6 moths ago, and not a new account.

Converting to Xero? Here are a couple of Xero's help pages

Xero has a few tools and apps to help you convert from your old Accounts Package to Xero, some of them are free.

General Information https://help.xero.com/au/Q_QuickConvert 

Free conversions by a Xero Sponsored company https://www.jetconvert.com.au/ , https://www.xero.com/blog/2014/04/xero-australia-makes-switching-myob-easy-free-conversions/ 

Next you will need to add a deposit account to the Groups

Adding an holding deposit account to a Group

Adding accounts to Groups