Dispatch Type

Dispatch Type

Each order will have a Dispatch type allocated; this is the method you will use to get the product from your business to the customer.


Your profile will have a few Dispatch types added by default. You can rename these or add new methods.

Take caution when deactivating any of these, as all orders must have a dispatch method so that BUZ can calculate an Estimated dispatch date. You will get an error if the order requires a method that is no longer available.

Setting up Dispatch Types

Adding extra methods is a simple process.

You will provide a Description and Code.

The Description will show in the Dispatch Scheduling area in BUZ

Codes can only be alphanumeric Characters (numbers and letters)

You will allocate a Function to the Dispatch method; these functions will have some automation, which I will explain further below.

Sequence Number will arrange the order of the Dispatch types. The lowest will be at the top of the order and the Highest at the bottom.

Dispatch scheduling

If a method requires extra time to get to the customer, you can add this in the Dispatch Lead Days area.



When creating new Dispatch types, ensure you configure an Inventory Item dispatch type for the order to process through BUZ correctly; help can be found here.

Go to Settings → Workflow Timing & Tracking Settings → Dispatch Types






Full-text description of status, max. 30 characters.


Abbreviation for status, max. Ten characters.


See the separate table below of associated actions.

Sequence Number

The order of the statuses is listed in the dropdown.

Dispatch Lead Days

Allows for extra lead days. i.e. Install may need a couple of extra lead days over Delivery.







To be installed by a company installer. Standard install times are to be applied.

Check Measure

To be checked and Measured. Standard install times are to be applied and forced onto the day calculated using the Check Measure Lead Time.

Extra Installer

Additional installer associated with an Installation. Standard install times are to be applied.


Only time allowed for this is the Installer Travel Time.


Will only be allocated to an installer ticked for Is Delivery Installer. Only time allowed for this is the Installer Travel Time.


Will only be allocated to an installer ticked for Is Pickup Installer. Only time allowed for this is the Installer Travel Time.


Appointment before order. Standard install times to be applied are calculated using the Check Measure Lead Time.


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