Inventory Groups

Inventory Groups

Click this link to watch the video on how to create Inventory Groups in BUZ

On this page:



Inventory Groups are used to group products into logical lists.

There is a few different ways you can order the products


Basic list 



List with Headings

Theses lists are often based on product type but also may be for pricing reasons.

A product group needs to have a Job tracking line allocated to it.

The Code that you create for each group should ONLY be 4 Characters long. 

Inventory Group Fields



Re-Ordering the Group List

You can sort the list by any order that is useful to your business



The 2 ways to do this are

  1. Individually

    1. Go to Inventory Settings, 

    2. Select the group,

    3. Change the Sequence number 

  1. Mass entry

    1. Go to Inventory Settings, 

    2. Select "Import Export Inventory Settings" tab

    3. Download Current Layouts

    4. Select "Inventory Groups" and Export the Excel file

    5. Make the required changes 

      1. Note dont forget to add an "E" in the operation column for any line that you change

    6. Save and upload the excel file


Option Group Setup

If you are setting up a inventory group just for options you only need to fill in the description and Code as displayed below

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