Groups (Products)
What Groups should I add to my sales list?
This question can be confusing and take up more time than it is worth, so here is a few things to consider.
BUZ Blinds (example company) offers many different types of Roller Blinds
Blockout Blinds
Sunscreen Rollers
Translucent Rollers
Double Roller Blinds
Motorised Roller Blinds
Cassetted Roller Blinds
Zebra Roller Blinds
The problem
If I list every single type of blind, I the list will go for several pages and look too busy and will take some time to find the blind I am looking for.
So can I group them together, are there benefits or will this cause problems if I put all the blinds in the one Group
Factors to consider
Are the Job sheets (work order/order form) for blinds exactly the same or do they differ.
Will I need to add more questions to the list by grouping 2 types of product together?
Are there size limitations that apply to one of the products but not the other
Are the Answers / options different
Job Sheet
If the product requires its own Job sheet/order form/work order then it should be in its own group, but if you have 2 products that are very similar and the only difference is a question or 2 than it might be easier to group them together.
Can I group 2 Products together?
Below is a simple example
Here are a few differences
Different terminology is used (Fabric vs Material)
The questions have a different order/sequence
Product 2 has extra questions
Product 1
Product 2
Answers differ
So should I split them?
There is no right answer, if you are happy to have one product that includes both products, I would say that is the easiest, but if you want to keep things simple then splitting them might be better for you..