Sales Order Excel Import/Export
Order entry using Excel upload is a simple and efficient way to manage your sales orders. With this method, you can easily submit and update bulk orders or make changes to existing ones using an Excel spreadsheet. All you need to do is prepare an Excel file with the relevant order details, as per your Group Options. Once you have your file ready, you can upload it directly into BUZ.
Start by creating your new order template:
Step 1: Download your Group Options
Step 2: Delete everything except for the unique options names (this is what BUZ will use to process your orders). Remove everything in column A as well.
-Also, delete any columns that have a heading (identified by an H in row 8 ), as this is not required by BUZ for processing.
Step 3: Add one extra column at the start. Now you should have columns A and B that are empty, and column C onwards will have your Group Options Headings.
NOTE: You can also remove the freeze pane by going to the View menu, click on the Freeze Panes menu and then click on Unfreeze Panes
Step 4: In cell A1 type ORDER ITEM PKID, and in cell B1 type INVENTORY CODE
Optional: You can add the Group Options to the order sheet. BUZ will allow one help page per workbook. The sheet MUST be called Help.
Your order sheet is now ready for order entry.
Another Option
Step 1: Create a dummy/test order