Can I change address for an order that has been invoiced

Can I change address for an order that has been invoiced

The follow instructions are a step by step scenario to change the customers Delivery address, this includes orders that have been invoiced.

You can also follow these steps to change the Billing address if required.

Below is the order that needs to be updated, as you can see it has been invoiced.

Select the customer (in Blue), I would normally right click and open it in a new tab (or window) so that you can still access the order on the previous tab (or window)

Now you are in the customer card, here you will see the billing details (at the top) and delivery details below, for this scenario we are changing the Delivery address but you can change the billing address by selecting the edit details in the billing area.

From here you can edit the address

Once you are happy with the change scroll down and save.

The billing address has not changed but the delivery address has been updated

Now go back to your order and reload the data.

If you need more assistance or help with this topic feel free to email support@buzsoftware.com.au 

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