New to Stocktake - Start Here

If you are new to BUZ or doing your first stocktake, follow the steps below

Step 1: Download our inventory "Stocktake template file (Select Inventory Groups to Export)"

Start by downloading our inventory stocktake template file. This file gives you a good base to start with that you can modify to fit your requirements.

Select your inventory Group(s) and click Download Template

Step 2: Modify the template

Key in the:
Date - Date this stocktake was taken
Stocktake Ref No - Reference for the stocktake - numbers only, no special characters
Qty Count - Stock count currently in your warehouse/factory/office
Qty Weight - (if required) total weight of stock currently in your warehouse/factory/office
Location Code - (if required) location of where the stock is kept
Operation - “A” to add

Step 3: Upload an excel document

Choose an excel document to import and then upload it to server

Step 4: Import the updated template file

Here are the list of worksheets that available to be imported :

Note: Please select maximum 4 Sheets at a time.