Scanning Station User

Scanning Station User

Scanning Station User is a simple yet effective licence that allows users to view and update orders via the Job tracking area.


Scanning station users only have access to the Job Tracking, Job Scanning and Dispatch Scanning areas but this does allow them the ability to download Job Sheets and update the Production and Dispatch statuses.



Example Uses

One example would be a production line, users in the factory would have a computer with a handheld scanner. They would update the status of the task that they were working on to provide real-time updates for customers and users


Another example would be providing an offshore factory with a user licence where they can see a job tracking line dedicated to their jobs, they could print the required tasks/job sheets and update them as required, this would reduce the time spent sending emails/orders to them and reduce the errors with orders/emails being missed.

You could still monitor this status locally


The factory could also have access to dispatch and could update this status once it has been shipped


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