How to remove a price grid

How to remove a price grid

Have you just uploaded a bad price grid, or found a grid that was not calculating correctly. For whatever reason the grid needs to go, it is affecting orders and we need to either replace it with a grid that works or remove the faulty grid from the system.

Now, we dont want to deactivate the grid as its been used for years and it’s also more work to deactivate the old grid, create a new Code and description, upload a the grid and link it to the inventory this is a lot of steps


The quick answer - to clear a price grid all you need to do is upload an empty grid on the exact same date that the grid was added/active in BUZ.

Still need more information? no problem

First step

There are a few questions that you need to have answered before you start clearing grids

Do you know the Grid Name?

Do you know when the grid was uploaded?

If you know both of these answers we can clear the grid.

For my example I am clearing a Bottom rail Price grid,



If you know the dont know when it was uploaded go to settings → Inventory settings → select the Price Grids tab → find the grid name that you are looking for and select it

Here you will see a list of all the versions that were uploaded by date

The last grid active as of the 31/12/2021 contains my error so I want to remove that grid, I have exported the grid from BUZ and

now I will remove all the values from the grid

Save this and upload it back into BUZ

Make sure the date from is the date of the grid you want to remove

Once the empty grid is uploaded you can go and check the Grid history again and the faulty grid should be removed from the list

Hope that was helpful, if you still have questions feel free to email support@buzsoftware.com.au

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