Adding Inventory Items detailed

Adding Inventory Items detailed

In this tutorial we will explain how to upload inventory that is intended to be used with Stock control and or Purchase orders



     Settings  →  Inventory Items   →  Import/Export

If you have not created a Group to add the Inventory Items to you will need to do this first.

Click here for help on creating a “Group” for the Inventory Items you are adding.


Step 1: Download our inventory items template file

Exports the current Inventory Items to an XLSX format spreadsheet.

Step 2: Copy your inventory items into the template ****NOTE limit your upload number of lines to lots of 5000 inventory items.

The values can then be edited in the spreadsheet. Columns to the left of the Operation column cannot be deleted and additional columns cannot be inserted. If additional columns are required these need to be to the right of the Operation column.

The PkId is the Primary Unique Identifier for the row in the database so this should not be changed or deleted and do not copy this when duplicating the row to create a new item. It must be blank when Operation = A and contain the exported value for Operation = D

The Operation should be Blank, A(Add item) or D(Set item Inactive).

Before the import can be done it's good to have all all referenced data such as Materials, Material Types, Price Grids, Cost Grids, Discount Grids imported. For details on importing this data refer to Inventory Settings

Inventory Item Code & Description

For items that are made up of Material, Material Type and Colour the Code and Description are automatically created using a concatenation of the their descriptions and the column headings get have an * (astrix) on the end to indicate this, if it is desired to not use the default then remove the * from the heading.

   Example Inventory Item Import file formats

Step 3: Upload an excel document  

****NOTE limit your upload number of lines to lots of 5000 inventory items.

Select the file being edited which by default is in Downloads Folder but this may vary depending on browser settings.

Once file is selected the Upload button will show. Click to confirm file upload of selected file.

Step 4: Import the updated options layout template file

Choose Sheets from the list to be imported and validated. The list shows those sheets recognised by the Sheet (tab) Name.

Maximum of 4 Inventory Groups can be imported at one time. To select multiple sheets press Ctrl key while selecting.

Add colour if not found? Selecting this option means that colours not found in the database will be added. Material and Material Type must be added prior to importing as these and Price Grids, Discount Codes are validated as already existing in the database.

Once imported the validation screen is displayed.

Confirm import

To see a list of items and save click arrow on left. The Save button is at the bottom left of list.

If you get an error Click here for a list of potential issues and how to fix them


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