Document Template - Configuration options
This guide will help you navigate and customize the Document Template Product table in BUZ Software.
This area contains all the Questions and Answers from the “Groups Options”.
Each question that has been answered can potentially be shown in the Document, whether it be a Quote, Receipt, statement or Invoice.
Below is an example of a document template and the output with the entire layout shown
Document Template file with Merge fields shown
Document printed from order.
Not all of the sales questions and answers need to be in the Quote or Invoice, so I will explain how to make some changes so that your Document looks professional.
Possible changes that can be applied
Remove information that is not relevant to the client.
Show or hide a price for individual component/s
Rename the question—in the sales area, the question may read longer, like which side the chain is on, and the quote might show the Chain side.
Toggle if a question and answer need to be on the same line or the following line down
Add a space, dash- or colon to the Question.
Add a unit of measure after an answer; as example, add mm after the Width or drop.
If a particular answer is selected, have the question and answer not shown
For optional questions like Additional Brackets, where the answer is "No" then it does not need to show in the quote of invoice, by inputting "No" into column D the document will automatically remove the question if selected.
Show Price - if a particular question has a component with a price, you can either show the value individually, or if you choose not to show it then the price will be added to the Main item
Blind removal fee - $100, this can be on its own line or hidden and added to the total blind price
You may have a long question which you don't need to have in the template
Where to find the Layout document
From the main dashboard, navigate to the Settings menu located in the top navigation bar.
Select Document Templates from the dropdown options.
Click on Step 5: Download current templates for the (Product Table) to open the area where you can edit and adjust the data.
This requires that for each Inventory Group a separate format can be created and may be different for different Document Templates. To assist with this an Excel Spreadsheet can be generated either showing the existing setup or if none has been uploaded then a default layout is generated with a red background.
You can Ignore a field if a particular answer is given and populate with the next answer related to that question (Group options look back) using the data as it exactly appears and the | pipe character. Example below under CONTROL
The sheet is laid out:
Column A shows all available Options.
These are the same values as the Heading in the group options. →
Column B is the action and text to appear before answer. \n indicates newline. TIP: For follow on Options on same line set Before answer to comma rather than finish with a comma in case no Option follows.
The values in column B are pre populated with the question headings from the Group Options →
Column C is the action and text that is to appear after the answer. Such as mm for millimetres.
Column D: is the answer that results in leaving the option out. For example, for a “No” answer, the Option is left out.
Column E: if there is a Price for the Option, do you want to show it? True, add the sell price in brackets after the After Answer, e.g. ($25). An alternative is to use the merge fields for Options, but this can give the appearance of doubling up the charge.
Column F: If this option is not to be printed ever, then type TRUE here, for example, on the Control Side.
Column G is provided to demonstrate how the final output will look. The Example beside each Option is how that will look, and below that group is a view of how it will look in the body of the document. Editing this has no effect on the final document.
Below the last Option in column G is the paragraph as it would appear in the document if the column is widened to about the same width as the final document's column.
Below is an example of the setup for an Inventory Group Option. Note that Width, Drop, Cassette Colour, and Base Rail Colour follow the same line as Location, while Delivery is on a line by itself because of the /n.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Option Code | Before Answer | After Answer | Ignore If Answer Equals | Show Price? | Do Not Show? | Example |
DESCN | \n - Location: | Other | FALSE | FALSE |
| |
OTHERDESCN | \n - Other Location | FALSE | TRUE | |||
ITEMDEPTH | \n - Measure | FALSE | TRUE | |||
ITEMWIDTH | , Width: | mm | FALSE | FALSE | , Width:<<VALUE>> | |
ITEMHEIGHT | , Drop: | mm | FALSE | FALSE | , Drop:<<VALUE>> | |
CONTROL | \n - Control Side | Right| | FALSE | TRUE | ||
CTRLCOLOUR | \n - Control Colour | FALSE | TRUE | |||
CHAINLENGTH | \n - Chain Length | FALSE | TRUE | |||
SPECIALSIZE | \n - Special Size | FALSE | TRUE | |||
CASSCOLOUR | , Cassette Colour: | FALSE | FALSE | , Cassette Colour:<<VALUE>> | ||
BASECOLOUR | , Base Rail Colour: | FALSE | FALSE | , Base Rail Colour:<<VALUE>> | ||
BRACKETS | \n - Brackets | FALSE | TRUE | |||
DELIVERY | \n - Delivery: | FALSE | FALSE |
| ||
NOTES | \n - Notes | FALSE | TRUE | |||
Clean up the Document by removing irrelevant lines
In the example below, the location I wanted to input is not in the pre-populated list in the “Location” question, so another was selected, and the “Other Room” question allowed a manual entry.
The Quote shows both questions and answers, but we do not want this in the customer's Quote document.
We go to the Document Template and download the product layout to fix this.
Update the Heading for the “Other Room” to be “Location”
Add Other to column D - so if Other is selected, the document won't use this row
Upload the document and test; you can see that only the location and lounge show
Before the update
After the layout update