Adding a new document template
Adding or Editing a Document Template
Go to Settings > Document Template. Select an existing template from the list or to add select +New.
Step 1: Name your template & select a type.
Start by naming your template something descriptive and meaningful so that it is clear to your users when to use this template.
You cannot use the same name twice as it will cause confusion, so if you have to templates that are similar add a description that defines the difference
Example -
Quote detailed - Retail
Quote detailed - Commercial
Select the purpose of the document: Quote, Invoice, Statement.
This will affect when the document will be available to you (and your staff and customers)
Quote: Visible anytime before the order has been Invoiced, with the exception of “Discount approval required”.
Invoice: Visible after the order has been invoiced
Statement: Visible in the customer statements area
Docket (Delivery Docket): Visible when the order is work in progress
Receipt: Visible when viewing or after creating a receipt
Purchase Order: Visible when doing a purchase orders
Credit Note: Visible when doing a credit note
{{Blank}}: Will appear everywhere
The Sequence Number
This part is not important now but is good in the housekeeping stage, you can arrange the templates in an order that will help you find the template required. whether it be in alphabetical order, process order or most used to least required, this way when you need a document you dont have to spend time scrolling around looking for the right template as it will be in an order you recognise
Send on Confirmation
Send on confirmation is designed to autonomously send emails to your Customers who have a log in to your company and can place orders.
Generally speaking this would be a Quote/Invoice or Check order
Click here for more information about this
Step 2 (optional)
You can use one of our BUZ templates and modify it as required
This file gives you a good base to start with that you can modify to fit your requirements.
Click the following to Download Quote Template - Basic.docx This template prints all the options.
You can also find a list of all the merge field here
Step 3: Modify the template and add your logo
Using Word or another word processing editor, modifying the BUZ template to fit your requirements.
Make sure the field names match our documented field names. These need to be correct for the template to print correctly. The documentation can be found here.
You can also use a previously exported / imported Word file, saving you the effort of having to re-create the template from scratch.
For help on adding a Merge field click here.
Step 4: Import the updated document template file
Click Select file, the file name will be displayed and will be uploaded when Save is selected at the bottom of the screen.
Step 5: Download our options layout template file
Start by downloading our options layout XLSX (Microsoft Excel 2010 Spreadsheet) template file. This file gives you a good base to start with that you can modify to fit your requirements.
Select Download current layouts. This will download an Excel spreadsheet, a separate worksheet (tab) for each Inventory Group if there is a new inventory group or the Options to Show have not been setup the sheet will contain all the options on a red background.
More information about this here
Step 6: Modify the template
Using Excel or another spreadsheet editor, modifying the BUZ template to fit your requirements. Refer to Options to Show below for editing details.
Do not change the column headings in the template file. These need to be unchanged for the import to work in the next step.
Step 7: Import the updated options layout template file
Choose a options layouts template file: