Step 2: Enter Lead Information

Step 2: Enter Lead Information

Provide the following details in the form:



  • Start typing the address and select it from the dropdown list.

  • If the address is not listed, click on Detailed Address to manually enter it.

    • Note: Manually entering an address will not allow the system to calculate the distance.



  • Select the branch this customer belongs to from the dropdown menu.

Customer Group

  • Choose the customer group this lead belongs to.

Company Name

  • Enter the company name.

    • If left blank, BUZ will automatically populate this field with the customer's first and last name.

First Name

  • Enter the customer’s first name.

Last Name

  • Enter the customer’s last name.

Contact No

  • Provide the customer’s landline number.

Mobile No

  • Enter the customer’s mobile number.

    • Recommendation: Avoid using spaces in the mobile number.

Email Address

  • Enter the customer’s email address.

Billing Address

  • If the billing address is the same as the lead address, leave the checkbox selected.

  • Uncheck the box if the billing address differs and provide the billing address.

    • Billing details is the second set of fields that appear on the page. Billing information will be used to create the Primary Customer Card and the Lead details will be added as a contact.



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