Step 3 - Curtains: Pricing

Step 3 - Curtains: Pricing

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By the end of this step, you should have all your prices for Fabrics, Components and Labour, uploaded to BUZ.

Refer to Pricing Coefficients help page to learn how to download, edit and add prices as well as what the requirements are for Price Coefficients setup.
You will need to export the list for the Groups created in Step 1 that relate to Curtains.


Pricing - Fabrics

If the Fabric is Continuous (in the Fabric Inventory list column AJ is C ), then you must enter a price in the SellLMWide column.
If the Fabric is a Standard Fabric (in the Fabric Inventory list column AJ is N ), then you must enter a price in the SellLMHeight column.
If the Fabric can be railroaded (in the Fabric Inventory list column AJ is Y ), then you must enter a price in the SellLMWide and SellLMHeight columns.
Additionally, if a fabric is both i.e. continuous and railroaded, then both SellLMWide and SellLMHeight, the Group Options (questions & answers in the next step) will be used to determine which price structure to use.




Pricing - Components

Follow the same steps as Pricing - Fabrics to add prices for components such as Flicksticks, Motors, Tie Backs etc.




Pricing - Curtain & Lining Labour

For Labour you must enter prices in both SellLMWide and SellLMHeight to allow all fabrics to be priced without needing to create separate inventory items for each.

If the prices are different based on the type of fabric, additional inventory items will need to be created and added to the Group Options in the next step.




Pricing - Heading Styles

Follow the previous steps to add prices if required.



Once you have your Groups, click here for the next steps.

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