Barcode Size
Our conversion program called Aspose converts the data into a barcode image which is then output into Excel or PDF. There are a few considerations when trying to determine the barcode size:
Cell height
Print/page size
Page margins
Barcode Height
The height of the barcode is determined by the cell/row height. The general formula to get the height in millimeters is (RowHeight/6.8+7.5).
E.g. Row height 50/6.8+7.5=14.85mm or 1.485cm
The row height isn’t in any standardised measurement but rather “Points” or “Characters”. There isn’t much help for converting Points to mm but as a general rule, 2.85 points equal to 1mm height.
(NOTE: the row height and column width are NOT calculated the same, so 2.85 points height will not equal the same in width)
Another thing to consider is the clear space under the barcode number which is usually between 1-2 mm. When printed, you won’t see the edges so the barcode appears smaller than it should be so you have to subtract this from the calculation.
With this in mind, a barcode row height of 50 points will actually seem more like 12.85 mm to 13.85 mm when printed.
Barcode Width
The barcode always generates at approximately 79.5 mm (7.95cm) wide but the print size is determined by the page size/print area and page margins. If you have a print area exactly the size of an A4 paper and your margins were set to 0, then the resulting barcode will print at 79.5mm wide.
There is no easy way to determine how large or small the barcode will appear on your printed job sheet other than uploading a job sheet and printing a job.
If the barcode is too large, increase the column widths and if it’s too small then decrease the column widths. You could also increase or decrease the margins.
Another thing you could do is insert a rectangular image/shape, and resize it to match the dimensions of your row height and width of 79.5mm (7.95cm) and it will give you a rough idea of how large or small the print will be in print preview.