Below is a list of the reports by category available in BUZ
Navigating to Reports:
Leads Analysis (Detailed) - Detailed report on lead status by rep
Sales Analysis - Report on Sales which can be filtered by rep, order type, orders status and date. This report is also the commissions report, GP report and Variance.
Leads Analysis (Summary) - Summarised report on lead status by rep
Products Analysis - Product report on Inventory group and order status
Leads Analysis by Branch (Summary) - Summarised report on lead status by branch
Leads Sources - Lead report on Marketing sources to determine what marketing is working
Banking Transactions Summary - This report is based on created banking deposit slips in BUZ. This report will be blank if the deposit slips haven't been created in BUZ. More help can be found here about creating deposit slips.
Bank Reconciliation BANKING - Bank Reconciliation.pdf
Deposit Slip Cheques BANKING - Deposit Slip Cheques.pdf