Zapier - Lead process
The process BUZ uses to book a lead from other API’s
Leads added to BUZ via Zapier will be
Booked to the sales rep with the lowest sequence number, if area’s are setup for the organisation then we might allocate it to one, if multiple sales reps cover the same area then it will choose the lowest sequence number, if both are the same then BUZ will use the alphetical order of the reps names
Placed in the next days calendar under "????" time
To the lead status with a function of “Not Measured” – this status may have a different Description
This way an admin person can monitor the calendar and allocate the potential lead to a sales person.
We don’t allow the system to book the lead as it will not be an efficient use of the sales persons time. You may have several appointments automatically booked in for very different area's which could lead to the sales person driving large distances, or if you allow the public to choose a time then there might be serveral appointments for the exact same time.
The lead should be allocated to a sales person who is in the area on that day of the week.
Generally an admin or sales person would need to contact the potential lead to qualify if the lead is a legitimate customer and to also verify a time that is convenient for the lead as well, you could also get more information for the sales person like the products they are interested in, time frame they are looking to purchase products and any other relevant information.
When setting up a link from your API to BUZ,
We would recommend creating a sales calendar (this is free and will not affect your licences) with the lowest sequence number of all the sales calendars
And possibly a Lead status dedicated to leads from the web or other program.