Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
For that extra bit of security, you can turn on MFA.
All you need to do is go to your profile and select Change Security.
You will need to download a multi-factor authentication app on your phone. These are generally free, but there is a variety of apps that you can choose.
Once you have downloaded, installed and registered the app, you will need to open the QR Scanner and scan the BUZ code.
This should register a link on your phone and return a number (with a timer); you will need to enter this into BUZ to verify that the connection is good.
Next time you log in to BUZ, you will see this page.
You will need to open the authentication app you downloaded on your phone, and a number will appear. Enter that number into BUZ, and you can log in.
You can tick the Remember this computer box to save a certificate in your web browser for 30 days.