Reset Password
Your password can be reset in My BUZ > My profile > Change Password
NB: The password has to be at least 6 characters and contain at least one letter and one number.
Forgot your password or unable to login
1.In the URL area type in “”
2. Select Forgot Password, you will then be prompted to enter your email address
3. An email will be sent to you with a link to renew your password
4. Clicking on the link will take you to the reset password page
Enter your new password and confirm the new password
5. Confirmation new password has is successful and access is restored
6. Log in with your new password
Note: If the new password does not work straight away you may need to wait 10 minutes for the server to update the password.
If you have the previous password saved in your browser make sure that you reset it,
The best way to do this is to google "reset password in crome" (or which ever browser you are using)
If you are still having problems gaining access email