Adding Minimum Order Value to Components

Adding Minimum Order Value to Components

Why would you need to add a minimum order value to something?

Sometimes it’s not profitable to order just 1 item from a supplier/manufacturer or you get a discount if you order 2 or more of something. Or if you are manufacturing, it probably costs more to only make 1 unit of something as opposed to 10 units. So you need to make it worth your time and effort.


How to:

Step 1:

Go to your inventory item and change the “Product Type” to Component

Settings > Inventory Items > search for the product using the name (or CODE) or BUZ interface > click on Edit Details > change the product type to Component > Save

Step 2:

Add Pricing Coefficients - make sure to add the Sell Each and Sell Minimum price

Settings > Inventory Settings > Pricing Coefficients > search for the product or use the BUZ interface > add Sell Each price & Sell Minimum price > Save

Click here for more details on Price Coefficients


How does it work?

In the example below the Sell Each price is set as $10 and the Sell Minimum price is $20. If a customer orders 2 or sell units, they will be charged $20 regardless of the qty and anything more will be charged according to the Sell Each price i.e. 3 units = $30; 4 units = $40 and so on


Here is a quick navigation clip:


Things to note:

The sell minimum will affect your discounts, if the discount calculated is more than the sell minimum price, then your customer will be charged the minimum price. For example:


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