Google Cloud - Calendar App

Google Cloud - Calendar App

Buz now has the ability to link Sales reps and Installers to Google calendars.


This is a lengthy process but not a hard one, so make sure you allocate enough time for the whole process. Don't worry; I have added all the steps with example images and all the information you will need.

Create a Google account.

You may want to have a separate account for this. This account will be the Business account; this way, if you are away, other employees can make changes, and there is no need to do the setup if you or someone else leaves the business.

Create a Google Account - Computer - Google Account Help


Google Cloud

We can start setting up the API

go to https://console.cloud.google.com and log in with your Google account if you haven't already.

Tick the Terms of Service.


Create a Project

Now, we are going to start a new project called Buz Calendar

Fill in the Google project name and ensure it's the name we want because we can’t edit it later.



Enable the API

Select the three horizontal lines in the top left, and from there, select API’s and Services, then Enable API's and services.



Scroll down to Google Calendar API

Go to the calendar and select Enable.




Now let's add our credentials.


Select User Data and Next

Note: Do not press Done, not yet anyway.

OAUTH consent screen

Fill in the App name, User support email, and Developer contact information.

The email address will most likely be the one you used to create this Google account.

Save and Continue.



Here we are going to add the required scopes; make sure you add these three scopes

1 /auth/userinfo.email

2 /auth/userinfo.profile

3 /auth/calendar

The first two are on the top of the first page, and then the last scope is on the third page.

Third page - Google Calendar API

Your profile should look like this if you selected the correct options

Now select Save and continue


OAuth Client ID

Enter the Application type - Web Application

Name - BUZ

Authorized JavaScript origins - https://go.buzmanager.com

Authorized redirect URLs - https://console.buzmanager.com/myorg2.0/GoogleCallBack


After some time, your credentials will be created.


Your Google project has been created and is now ready to be connected. You can download and open the credentials in Notepad, or I can show you another way to access the codes.


If you downloaded them, it might look like a mess, but the information you need is the Client ID and Client secret.


Google Calendar API

If you can't open the document or it doesn't make sense, you can also get the ID and Secret (password) in the browser.

Select Credentials, then the BUZ profile we created.

Take note of these two areas; you will need them later.




Updating the Calendar API to include your

  • Home page,

  • Privacy policy link and

  • Applications terms of service link.


Updating the Calendar API to include your Website

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