Link Sales Reps and Installers to your Google account
Link Sales Reps and Installers to your Google account
(Please note this section is not required with a Google Business Account. For Google Business account holders, please jump to the next section: Updating BUZ with your Google Credentials )
Now add your sales reps and installer Google Email accounts to the Business Cloud Google account.
If you have been following the steps from the previous BUZ help page, you will be in the right area, but if you need to find the page again, follow these steps.
Make sure you are logged into your Business Cloud Google account https://console.cloud.google.com
Select the three horizontal lines at the top left → APIs & Services → OAuth consent screen
Add the Sales reps and Installers.
These must be Google accounts, with Google Business accounts, or the free Google accounts will work.
Office 365, iCloud or any other domains will not work here.
Link the Business Cloud Google account to the BUZ Profile. This will need to be completed by an Admin User.
, multiple selections available,
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