Allocate Inventory Discount Groups to Inventory Items

Allocate Inventory Discount Groups to Inventory Items


To complete this process, ensure you have:

If these are not prepared, download your inventory lists or create the required discount codes in BUZ.

How to Link Discounts to Inventory Items

You can link discounts to inventory items in two ways:

Option 1: Via the Inventory Item Page

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Items Page
    Go to Settings → Inventory Items.

  2. Find the Inventory Item
    Search for the item you want to update or add a discount to.

  3. Edit Item Details
    Open the item and click the Edit Details link in the middle of the screen.

  4. Assign a Discount Group
    On the right-hand side, locate the "Inventory Discount Group" dropdown.
    Select the relevant Inventory Discount description.

  5. Save Changes
    Scroll down and click Save.

Option 2: Via Import/Export for Bulk Updates

Step 1: Export Inventory Items

  1. Go to Settings → Inventory Items → Import/Export.

  2. Select Export Inventory Items.

  3. Choose the groups to export (use Ctrl to select multiple groups).

  4. Click Search to locate a specific product group.

    • Tip: Use Ctrl + F to search for a group by name or code.

Step 2: Edit the Exported File

  1. Open the exported file in your preferred spreadsheet application.

  2. Enter the Inventory Discount Code into Column I.

  3. Add E (for Edit) into Column AO.

    • Note: If Column AO is left blank, BUZ will ignore that row during upload.

Step 3: Save and Upload

  1. Save your changes to the spreadsheet.

  2. Follow the instructions in BUZ to upload the file back into the system.

  3. Your inventory items are now updated with the selected discount groups.

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure the discount codes match those in BUZ for seamless updates.

  • Double-check your edits before uploading to avoid errors.


Video Tutorial

Below is a video showing you how to view the product discount Description and Codes and navigate through both methods described above:

add discounts to inv (1).mp4


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