Allocate Sales Discount Groups to Customer Contact Cards

Allocate Sales Discount Groups to Customer Contact Cards


Discounts can only be applied to individual customer contact cards. Adding a discount to a customer group does not automatically assign the discount to all customers in that group. This design allows customer groups to serve multiple purposes, such as defining:

  • Default deposit accounts

  • Minimum deposit percentages

  • Products customers can or cannot order

  • Customer price groups

By linking discounts directly to customer contact cards, you gain greater flexibility.



How to Link Discounts to Customers

You can link discounts to customers in two ways:

1. Via the Customer Card

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Customers, search for and select the desired customer.

  2. In the Billing Card area, just below the address, click the "Edit Details" link.

  3. Scroll down to the Customer Discount Group dropdown.

  4. Select the appropriate discount group from the list.

  5. Click Save.

add discount.gif

2. Via Import/Export for Customer Contacts

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Customers > Import/Export and select Download Current Layouts.

  2. Download the Customer Billing list only (no need to include customer contacts).

  3. Open the downloaded Excel file.

    • In Column H (CustomerDiscountGroupCode), enter the required discount group code for each customer.

    • In Column BG, enter an "E" to indicate that you are editing the row.

  4. Save the file and upload it back to the system using the link: Import Customers.


Download customer list.mp4

Why Assign Discounts Individually?

Customer groups often have varying discount needs. While customer groups may already be set up, not every customer in a group will necessarily have the same discount. Assigning discount groups individually ensures precise control over discounts while maintaining the flexibility to use customer groups for other purposes.

Any new Leads added to the Customer Group will be allocated the Customer Discount Group.

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