The purpose of this page is to set the organization details of the main place of business or head office if applicable.
The details in this page will be available to mail merge with documents like Quotes, receipts, Invoices and any other documents you may have for your business.
Click here for information about Mail merge fields
Why does BUZ want your Postal and Physical address?
No, we wont post you any mail, not physically anyway, this page will help the system determine how far away appointments are from you.
When adding a customer or lead, google will complete a search based on the area you are in.
If you do not have an address here it may take a few seconds longer to calculate, which doesn't seem like much but they (seconds) all add up.
Time Zone and Language
All the raw data in BUZ is set to UTC Set the Time, by setting the time zone here, notifies the BUZ servers, so that all reports and time stamps will be in the correct time zone.
Email Verification
Email verification is an important aspect that you should be doing.
This prevents domains like Gmail, Outlook, Telstra/bigpond from sending your email to the junk/spam area. It isn't completely foolproof and domain’s may still flag your organisation (as a spam email sender), but these precautions will allow more emails to get to your client.
For more information about email verification process click here