On this page you will find a few case scenarios that explain
Example 1 - Width, Height and Drop for Fabric/Material
Example 2 - Width, Height for Fabric/Material, Drop for Inventory item
Example 1
Depth Field for Fabric
Scenario 2 -
Add an inventory item
Adding an inventory item to the group options and using the depth field to adjust the depth
Things to note, ensure that you have the heading as ITEMDEPTH, and that the item depth question is set before the inventory question
The first picture is to show you the value without any inventory items added, the base price of the fabric for these dimensions is $20
Scenario 3
Inventory item, Depth and Width
Adding an inventory item to the group options and using the depth field to adjust the depth
Things to note, ensure that you have the heading as ITEMDEPTH, and that the item depth question is set before the inventory question
The first picture is to show you the value without any invenotry items added, the base price of the fabric for these dimensions is $20
Below has example where width has been changed
Below has example where Depth has been changed
You can also have an extra amount dependent on the Width, This can be handy for Tracks
Inventory Item for the Component
In the example above the active Row is the width and depth, colum A (Height) is set to the maximum meaning that no matter what value you enter into the drop it wont affect the price.
You can use the Height instead of the width if you require that for items like chains and posts or side rails
Price Grid for the Component
Keep in mind that if you leave a value as "Zero" BUZ will return an error
Things that wont work