It is possible to have a link in the any document template to pass information from the order to a web page.
To add in a link to go to a page for easy payment of Customer accounts
For this link the 3 query string parameter names are
- CompanyName
- InvoiceNumber
- OutstandingAmount (you will need to at the payment page end remove the "$" symbol when it comes from BUZ)
Create what you want to see in the Hyperlink using the merged fields and the 3 query string perameters
IE: http://www.your«Customer_Description»&InvoiceNumber=«OrderNo»&OutstandingAmount=«Outstanding_Amount»
Once set up select Alt F9
Remove the Merged Fields and insert them again via Insert, Quick parts, Field, Merged Field, Field Name ad OK
Select Alt F9 to get your document looking right to send out again
Save and upload again