For more specific reporting extra columns can be added to combine existing column data with formulas -> Modeling ->New Column -> Enter → Modeling → New Column → Enter the parameters/formulas required.
Formula = TotalAmt = CALCULATE(SUM([Order_Amount_IncTax]),FILTER('SalesReport',[OrderNo]=EARLIER([OrderNo])))
TotalAMT = new column name
CALCULATE = define a column’s values, anything from putting together text values from a couple of different columns to calculating a numeric value from other values
SUM([Order_Amount_IncTax])= a sum of the numeric data from the Order_Amount_IncTax column
FILTER('SalesReport',[OrderNo]=EARLIER([OrderNo])) = used to refer to the table and order no data you want to filter, (SalesReport table), EARLIER which already has the same order number.
Further Help can be found: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/desktop-quickstart-learn-dax-basics