Connect to your Data
- Open Power BI data "..... " Located in Drop box...
- Click on "Basic"
- Sign in using your credentials
- your user name will have your organizational code (xxxx) forward slash your uesrname for BUZ. (Example: MMPC/support@buzsoftware.com.au)
Connecting your data via excel, if you dont already have Power Query you can download here → https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=39379
Once downloaded follow the following steps below steps to retrieve your data
- Open ExclExcel, click on power Query tab
- Click on Fro "From other sources", select "From OData Feed"
- Type in your URL xxx
- Sign in using your credentials
- your user name will have your organizational code (xxxx) forward slash your uesrname for BUZ. (Example: MMPC/support@buzsoftware.com.au)