These areas will be used for both Sales Rep areas and Installer areas
PkId | Seq No. | Code | Description | Is Not Current | Operation |
10 | BSHORE | North Shore | FALSE | A |
Note: BUZ will default the orders to an Installer/Rep by the post code unless "suburb" is selected in organizational settings
If this is selected BUZ looks for: Suburb, State and postcode
Area Setup
Step 1: Create Areas
Settings-> Sales settings-> Import/Export Sales Settings “Areas”
If export for the first time the spreadsheet will be blank.
Fill in Code, Description, Seq No, and operation then import
Note: These areas will be used for both Sales Rep areas and Dispatch areas.
Seq No is used to control the order the list which is then alphabetical within that Seq No.
Discount Groups
Bulk Import Export of Customer Discount Groups. See Discount Groups - Customers for field data details.