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 Seq No is used to control the order of the list, which is then alphabetical within that Seq No.


Settings-> Sales settings-> Import/Export Sales Settings “Suburbs”
If your exporting for the first time the spreadsheet will be blank.

The list of suburbs has the applicable Area Name down the right column, Each Suburb must be allocated
to an Area using the Area Descriptions that you have just set up.
Fill in Area description and operation (“A” for add)

If you require areas set up for your Sales reps and Installers, Each Suburb must be allocated to an Area using the Area Description. That area is then given to a Sales rep and Installer.

Note: All Fields must be filled in, including the State, for BUZ to allocate the correct rep/installer. 


our support team for a list of Suburbs in your State or Country to import into BUZ. OR see here for Australia's Suburb/Postcode list grouped by common areas. (Another option )You will need to source a current list of suburbs 

(Find out how BUZ selects an installer here > How BUZ picks an Installer )

Step 3: Allocate Areas to Sales Reps
Settings-> Sales settings-> Import/Export Sales Settings “Sales Representative
If our exporting for the first time the spreadsheet will be blank.
Allocated the areas to the Sales reps using the Reps code and description along with the Area
code and description.
You can have multiple reps allocated to an area, which can be sequenced using column “F”
You can also have the 1 rep servicing multiple areas