Check measure is a process where an installer or representative conducts a site visit to evaluate the job.
This may include
- Re-measuring
- Checking the condition of the area,
- Material that the product is being Installed into (timber brick metal)
- Assessing equipment required.
Setting up Check Measure Status in BUZ
To utilise the check measure function in BUZ you will need to add an inventory item, add it to the group options and ensure that the check measure status's are active.
Follow the steps below for help with the setup
Create an inventory item
→ Inventory Items →The reason we need to do this is to create a way to tell BUZ that you want to initiate a Check Measure
Group Options
Now we need to create a Question and attach this inventory Item that we created
→ Inventory Setting → Group Options → Download Current Layouts → EXTRAS → ExportAdd a new column, it does not matter which column first, last, anywhere is fine.
Copy the values above.
Adding a Cost/Price to the Check Measure
You can also add a cost and or price to the check measure if you want.
Adding a Cost/Price to the Check Measure
→ Inventory Setting → Pricing Coefficients → → Download Current Layouts → Download the Group you added the inventory to → ExportAdd the price, Add an A for add in the Operation and import the file back to BUZ
Now you need to ensure that you have the correct statuses set up. These status's have been added to your original profile but may have been deactivated by someone so just in case these are the area's you need to check to ensure that the check measures work correctly.
First we will check the Order status
→ Sales Setting → Order Status tab (top right) →Settings
→ Sales Setting → Order Status tab (top right) →Settings
→ Worklow Timing & Tracking Setting → Job Tracking Status tab (top right) →Settings
→ Worklow Timing & Tracking Setting → Job Tracking Status tab (top right) →Updating the Job Sheet
→ Inventory Setting → Group → Select the Product → Scroll down to the bottom where the heading Job Sheet is and select DownloadThere is a few steps here
You will need to add a new Tab to the Job sheet and add a table along with any other information you may need for the installer. Check measure sheets are generally similar to the Job sheet but with a few extra fields for the installer to add their own notes or to make changes.
Once you are happy with the new Check Measure tab you need to add the table to the Data Settings, to do this Insert a new line and add the values of the table, First Row, Last Row and Right Column, Include to PDF and No (number) to Print
Final - Testing the Status works
Setup a test order
Depending on your setup you may need to take a deposit, the full amount or just process the order
Once you have gone through the acceptance you will be presented with the "Check Measure Complete" Button