Setup of "Tickets" Job Sheets
Door Tickets (1 per page)
Your Tab name needs to be "Tickets" plural
Set print area on the first Ticket only for item 1, have a second ticket setup with all formulas but relating to item 2.
Each formula will contain "INDIRECT", This allows the ticket to go down the page rather than across the page as BUZ is already programmed to do.
For the first ticket cell "A1" will contain the item number
Using the below formula returns a reference in the cell you require in this case the "Item number"
The data settings should be set to your first printable area,even though you have the formulas in for the second item.
The below examples show
First row 1
Last row 33
Right column U
Download Job Sheet template/example here → JobSheets_SECD_BUZ_(1).xlsm
Curtain Ticket (2 or more per page)
Set print area on the first page which is 2 or more tickets.
Each formula will use the Excel "INDEX" command, This allows the ticket to use a single Job Sheet line to go down the Ticket page.
Cell "A1" will contain the item number for the first ticket "1" and the second ticket will contain the item number 2 using the formula "=A1+1"
Using the below formula returns a reference in the cell you require
=INDEX(JobLines,A1,2) JobLines refers to a named area which is the line items on the Job Sheet tab, A1 the item line and 2 is the column where 1 is the first column in the JobLines named area. This named area needs to match the DataSettings for the Job Sheet tab and is best when starting in Column A, and must be first line item row, last line item row and rightmost column.
The DataSettings should be set to your first ticket area, even though the printed area is set to 2 or more tickets.
Download Job Sheet template/example here → 20160527.0916_Curtains_Job_Sheet_BUZ_BUZDemo.xlsm