These can be exported/imported/deleted through your Inv. groups
Before you start with a job sheet there is a few things you need to know,
First, You don't need to be an excel guru but there is a few things that help to know so that you can understand the Job sheet.
The data that is populated in the Job sheet comes from several places
Information is gathered from
- Customer Card
- Fabric/Material List
- Group Options
- Extras
Before attempting to create and finalise a job sheet you must have the inventory and group options completed, without this information it will be very difficult to complete the Job sheet.
Step 1.
Add the template job sheet to your product.
Go to Setting → Inventory Settings → Groups (should be the first tab)
Select the Group you want to add the Job sheet to
Scroll to the bottom of the screen
Click on the "select file" button and upload the template Job sheet
Step 2.
If you haven't already, Create a customer/lead, making sure that you fill in all options available. Having this data in the customer card will help you allocate it in the job sheet.
For help on creating a Lead or customer click on the link below.
Step 3
Create a quote, again make sure every question is answered (even if it is not a mandatory question)
Step 4
Complete all the Finalize Questions.
Accept the Quote, (Process and approve if required
In the top right is a Print button - Print the Job sheet - excel
If this is the first time you have opened a job sheet it will look quite unusual, but dont worry it will eventually make sense
First thing you will notice is our Data Settings we wont worry about this for now, but we will come back to it.
The part that I want you to take from here is Rows 4 & 5 - Between Rows AV - DU
This is the customer information, which will include contact details, time the order was accepted and delivery address
Row 4 is the heading and row 5 is the Customer data
The second part to take away from this page is Rows 10 & 11 - Between Rows AV and BW
This is the where some of the main components
The third and final part of the data tab is the CustOrdOpt - Rows CE - CP