The pop up box will not be removed until the credit limit is increased or the customer has paid outstanding amounts. Credit Limits are handled separately to Days Credit.
The credit limit is set under the Customer card > Account details (Image 1)
Days Credit (30, 60 or 90 days from the end of the month) can be set for each customer to restrict restrict any customers who have exceeded 30, 60 or 90 days credit. Days credit is handled separately to credit limits. This This prompts a pop up box on the quote summary screen when the credit days has been exceeded from the invoice date. You can set either 30, 60 or 90 days credit.
The pop up box will not be removed until the days credit limit is increased or the customer has paid outstanding amounts.
Once orders have been placed if the customer has reached the credit days.
Note: You can't have both credit limit and days credit working with each other at the same time. There isn't a check for both, BUZ handles them separately. If a customer exceeds the credit limit - the credit limit message will appear, if a customer exceeds days credit the days credit message will appear.
Removing Days Credit
Option 1 - using the Export/Import function