Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


SupplierSupplier of the product
BranchBranch you are ordering from
Order NoAuto Generated, or you can enter in an order number of your preference
PO Date

Date the PO has been entered


Current status of the purchase order, initially will be set to "Pending Order"

DescriptionDescription as should appear inĀ the purchase order
Line NumberItem number, can be edited to re arrange items in order
Inventory Group CodeInventory Groups are used to group products into logical lists. Theses lists are often based on product type but also may be for pricing reasons
Inventory Group DescriptionInventory item for the Inventory group
Supplier Descn/CodeInventory item supplier description or code
ETA DateEstimated Time of Arrival Date
Quantity Originally OrderedQTY ordered was placed for
Quantity OrderedQTY the supplier can fill
UnitsUnits of measure that the item comes in (Each, Meter, Box)
Unit CostCost of the Unit as above
Order AmountOrder amount based on Quantity and Unit cost
Unit Cost ForexForeign Currency

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Automatic Purchase Orders


Once saved you will be asked if you want to generate a purchase order, which can then be edited and processed.

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Total PurchasedTotal Amt you are ordering
Total Adjustments
Total OrderedUnit x Total purchased
Total Ordered To DateTotal order for this item to date
Total Ordered OutstandingOutstanding orders not processed
Total Current StockStock on hand according to the stock take Inventory Stocktake
Is Less Then Min StockTrue means you are low in stock (Less than Minimum Stock QTY)
Stk Qty To OrderAmount to order that will get you to the Max on hand you set
Qty To OrderIf you need 80 and you order per box of 20 this could be 4 ??
Unit CostPer unit cost

Total Amount

Unit x
ETA DateEstimated Arrival Date
