Adding Inventory Items
Fill out columns D, E, F, and AO.
Column AO indicates the action:
Add (A),
Edit (E), or
Deactivate (D).
If left empty, BUZ will ignore the line.
Columns A, B, and C will be populated by BUZ.
Optional: Enter codes for Price, Cost, and/or Discount grids in columns G, H, and I.
Fill out columns B, C, and AO.
Column AO indicates the action: Add (A), Edit (E), or Deactivate (D). If left empty, BUZ will ignore the line.
Leave Column A empty.
Optional: Enter codes for Price, Cost, and/or Discount grids in columns G, H, and I.
The Code must be in capital letters, without special characters or spaces.
Code cannot contain any special characters !@#$%^&<>?
The description will appear in order and quote templates if selected.