Job sheets are a versatile tool that can produce a table based on the an order’s sales data (questions and answers) from an order.
Job sheets can be represented in many different ways
Production Sheets
Order form
Work form
Bill of Material lists
Zebra Labels
Tickets (individual page per product)
Job sheets can be found by following the following steps
Settings → Inventory settings → Groups
Job Sheet Templates - Download a template here.
We have made two templates.
Job sheet - Basic Layoutbasic layoutis a simple form with a table for the job sheet and check measure.
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Job Sheet - with Bill of Material has many example pages, including
Tube size chart example,
Parts List
Deductions tab with a few example formulas
Components sheet and an example for a full Bill of material.
You are welcome to modify the template and remove almost every tab that is not required. You will need the Data and Job sheet tab as a minimum.
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Breakdown of the Excel spreadsheet
BUZ Software utilises Excel to create a Job Sheet / Work Order / Order Form. The details from an order can be arranged in a way that helps your workflow.
There are a A few defined names that are required to allow the "Job sheet" to work with BUZ.
Data Sheet - the raw Quote/Order data will populate in this sheet.
Job Sheet - Generally is the main form utilised; this is the base form output to progress and Order, so this is a production cutting sheet or a Purchase Order for a buy–in product.
Check Measure - If required can be set up similar similarly to the Jobsheet; you may want extra space for installers to add measurements or other written information.
Tickets - if there is a requirement to have a page print per item rather than a table with all the items.
Labels - If you use a Zebra label machine, you can have BUZ print out labels that assist with production.
Components - This tab is designed as a Bill of Materials or recipe for taking components from stock for inventory control and reordering purposes.
Deductions - If there is a deduction or a table of helpful information that is useful for other calculations, we would advise putting it here.
There is no limit on the number of additional sheets that are used for production , if the business requires more pages to be printed.
Packing list
Powder Coating Order Form
Fabric cutting tab
Tube cutting tab
For more information on Job sheets, click on a the link below
Job sheet - How to start a Job sheet from scratch
Job sheet - BUZ 3 to BUZ Cloud
Job Sheet Considerations
Job Sheets are processed left to right and top to bottom. Excel will sometimes compensate for not sticking to this rule but Aspose, the program BUZ uses to generate the PDF's from Excel does not. So this means that a sheet cannot refer to cells on another sheet to the right of the current one because it will not have it values calculated at that point in the process.
Some pages in the job sheet will include a table of products (red square in the image below) requested in Order. This table has been designed to expand vertically if there are more products than the standard table size.
The tables are produced from left to right, then top to bottom. This means that formulas that reference the table will need to be done in a sequence, as the table may generate extra rows and mess up your formula.
You can find out more about how the BUZ order produces the sheets Job Sheet - What order does the sheet load in?
Another consideration is that Cells in the body of the job sheet
(the area that grows when number of line items exceed template) must NOT BE MERGED.To spread text across multiple cells:
Select the cells value is to spread across on the first row.
Right click, select Format Cells, Alignment and Centre Across Selection and then copy down.
Formating for Inches (Fractions)
Select cell(s) to be formatted.
Right click cell(s), select Format Cells, Number
Select Category: Fraction
Select desired Type
Note: If format doesn't work it is because Excel treats the number as text so type +0 on the end and that forces Excel to treat it as a number. should not be merged. Only one of the cells will populate, and the merged column will have no value.
Using Excel Name Manager
Named Areas are added using Name Manager, in Excel 2013 this is found on the FORMULAS tab near the middle.
Select New
The box opens, and Type the Name, ; in Scope, select the sheet being referenced and then click where the red arrow is pointing and select the cell containing the value. Click OK.
Job Sheet Formula Explanations
Formula The formula used to produce a “due date” date.”
for a Supplier / Factory that doesn’t equal a weekend date and is 2 or 3 days prior to your Follow Up date (Install Date)
Step 1: Follow-up date -3 for expected complete production date =LEFT(Data!BA5,10)-3
followup-date -3, picking up 10 to the left to only select the date
Step 2: Date Formula; =IF(WEEKDAY(AB2,2)=6,AB2+2,IF(WEEKDAY(AB2,2)=7,AB2+1,AB2))
If the follow-up date equals Saturday, then the follow-up date plus 2 two days
If the follow-up date equals Sunday, then the follow-up date plus 1 one day
If you cant Let us know if you can't find what your you are looking for in the help documentation let us know!
We will point you in the right direction or get something added to the documentation for you.
Formulas to use in the Job sheet
If there is no data in the data page, the cell with this formula will be blank
=IF(Data!AY11=" "," ",Data!AY11)Some information can also be found here.
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