
Microsoft Power BI is a suite of business analytic tools to analyze data and share insights. Monitor your business and get answers quickly with rich dashboards available on every device.

Installing power BI

First if you dont already have Power BI you can download here → https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/

Power BI Desktop is installed as an application, and runs on your desktop.



When you run Power BI Desktop, a Welcome screen is displayed.


You can Get Data, see Recent Sources, or Open Other Reports directly from the Welcome screen (from the links in the left pane).

If you close the screen (select the x in the top right corner), the Report view of Power BI Desktop is displayed.



There are three views in Power BI Desktop: Report view, Data view, and Relationships view. Power BI Desktop also includes Query Editor, which opens in a separate window. In Query Editor, you can build queries and transform data, then load that refined data model into Power BI Desktop, and create reports.


The following screen shows the three view icons along the left of Power BI Desktop: ReportData, and Relationships, from top to bottom. The currently displayed view is indicated by the yellow bar along the left. In this case, Report view is currently displayed. You can change views by selecting any of those three icons.



With Power BI Desktop installed you’re ready to connect to data, shape data, and build reports (usually in that order). 

Connect to your Data

  1. Open Power BI data link (supplied by your support staff currently in drop box)
  2. Click on "Basic"
  3. Sign in using your credentials 
    1. your user name will have your organizational code (xxxx) forward slash your username for BUZ. You will need to receive your organizational code from support to be able to receive your data (Example: MMPCD/support@buzsoftware.com.au)

Connect Data via Excel

Connecting your data via excel, if you dont already have Power Query you can download here → https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=39379

Once downloaded follow the below steps to retrieve your data

  1. Open Excel, click on power Query tab
  2. Click on "From other sources", select "From OData Feed"
  3. Type in your URL → reports2.buzsoftware.com.au
  4. Sign in using your credentials
    1. your user name will have your organizational code (xxxx) forward slash your username for BUZ. You will need to receive your organizational code from support to be able to receive your data (Example: MMPCD/support@buzsoftware.com.au)

Shape Data and Build Reports